Wednesday, August 8, 2007

August 8:

Today Jeremy, Amanda, and I were able to finish our project and run through our full presentation a couple of times. Actually, we completed all the research yesterday, finished the PowerPoint today, and then went to lunch at Arby's before going to Leanna's to run through our presentation. While there, we baked and decorated a cake for Wes's birthday. That helped break up the monotony of going through the same presentation over and over. After that, we went to Dr. Yampolsky's house for dinner. The food was very good, and there were tons of it. We played Mafia, which is a very fun game, especially if you're in the mafia, as I was, along with Joe, Amanda, and Jeremy. It was so much fun! It was a great way to end the summer bridge program!
August 7:

Jeremy, Amanda, and I were able to make a LOT of progress today on our project. We all really like the topic. It gets more interesting as we go on. After being in Gilbreath on computers from 9-4, with only a 2 hour lunch break, we were all tired of working on the project, however. So, after a game of soccer at the CPA and dinner at the Culp, we went to see Ratatouille and then to get icecream at Marble Slab.

Monday, August 6, 2007

August 6:

Today is the beginning of "project week," as we are calling it. Actually, for Jeremy, Amanda, Leanna, and I it began last night when we started talking about where we wanted to go with this project. It continued at 10:00 today in Gilbreath 205, where we met to use Maple. So far, our presentation, complete with PowerPoint, is coming along pretty well.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

August 3:

My day started at 7:00 when I had breakfast with Jeremy and Amanda at the Culp. Somehow the hashbrowns were much better at 7--not that they're bad at 7:45. Anyway, we got up that early so we could leave at 7:30 with Leanna for ORNL. We arrived around 10:30 and got to go see Leanna's mom at work. In her building, we had the opportunity to go to a lab where an ORNL employee makes glassware for ORNL. It was really cool because the guy in the lab let all four of us practice melting glass! After that, we got to see Leanna's dad at work in his building. He took us to various labs and explained what the equipment was used for. By this time it was 12:00, and we went to meet everyone else for lunch with Mr. Horton and Leanna's brother, Scott. We then went on the scheduled tour, seeing supercomputers and going to the "Mouse House" among other things. That sums up our day at ORNL!

August 2:

Today was our last day in class this summer, and it started off with a lecture given by Dr. Yampolsky. It concentrated on formulas involved in predator-prey oscillations, which was interesting because that is the project I will be working on: predator-prey oscillations. After class, we went to lunch, and after lunch we went to Susan's lab. We took the results from our Petri dishes and filled in some charts Susan gave us. They dealt with the Poisson principle. After lab, we went to the CPA for a game of soccer before going out to eat, since Main Meal was closed.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

August 1:

Today Dr. Knisley continued his lecture on Learning and Intelligence. He showed us how to "fold RNA" on He also took us to so that we could view all math trees with certain amounts of vertices (i.e. 9, which is what we mostly looked at in class). It was all pretty cool. Before lecture was over, Dr. Knisley assigned homework involving Maple. After lecture and lunch, we got to go to lab with Susan. We used E. Coli to make cultures in Petri dishes that we will be looking at tomorrow. We also took a Petri dish and put our fingertips in it. Some of those will be interesting to see tomorrow!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

July 31:

During homework time, Jeremy, Amanda, and I were able to complete most of our Maple mini-project. Dr. Knisley then lectured on neural networks; he let us "play" on a website dealing with the topic:, which was pretty neat. After lunch, we met in Gilbreath. Leanna went over the projects, and we all picked one. Jeremy, Amanda, and I will be working in Maple to learn more about preditor-prey oscillations. I have been interested in this subject since Dr. Schmickl first introduced us to it, and another reason I chose this one was because I will have to work in Maple--I know most, if not all, the projects can utilize Maple, but in this one we will have to use it. I figure the more I get used to using Maple now, the better. After picking our projects, we got to hear a lecture from Kelley Harris on Z-DNA, and I found it to be interesting. At 4:30, most of us went to the CPA for a game of Ultimate is definitely not my forte, but it was fun...I guess that's all that matters!

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

July 30:

Today was my first day back in classes since the second week of the program--Jeremy and I were gone all last week on a mission trip with our church youth group. After our homework time, where we worked on our Maples mini-project, Dr. Knisley began his lesson on intelligence. He started off giving us the monkey and bananas illustration for artificial intelligence, which led us into a discussion of the definition of intelligence. He ended by talking about action potential and introduced us to an interesting website dealing with the topic. When we had finished our lunch break, we came back to Gilbreath for our weekly mathematics lecture with Dr. Helfgott. It was our last one, which is kind of sad.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

July 19:

Today Dr. Miller went over some more aspects of the NCBI site, namely Blast. Dr. Yampolsky also joined in the talk, and it was really interesting. After they finished, we worked on Dr. Miller's homework assignment, the one dealing with the NCBI site. When lunch was over, most of us returned to our classroom in Gilbreath to finish the assignment Dr. Yampolsky had given us early in the day. Working together on the project was great; we were able to finish quicker and were probably more efficient. We walked over to the Carnegie after our afternoon homework session to attend discussions at the QB Conference going on there. That was interesting as well. I was in the Biology room, and the people in there were discussing ways to improve Internet research sources. When we got back to Davis, we left to go to the Fun Expedition for a round of putt-putt, and, just for the record, I won! (pretty unusual)

July 20:

After breakfast at 7:30, we headed to Gatlinburg. We got at Ripley's Aquarium around 11:00. It was a cool aquarium. When we finished there, we ate lunch at Hard Rock Cafe before driving to the Chimneys, which we hiked in a little over two hours. That was most definitely an experience I will not soon forget!! On the way back to campus, Jeremy, Joe, Elizabeth, Leanna, and I stopped at T.G.I. Fridays.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

July 17:

Today began at 7:45 with breakfast at the Culp. Dr. Miller talked today about genes and annotations. He went into detail over gene sequences and splicing; it was a very interesting lecture. Following Dr. Miller's lecture was our homework time, which we used to learn more about Maple. Before lunch, one of Dr. Godbole's REU students, Kellee Harris, gave a presentation about her research of the Origin of Life. Dr. Karsai and Dr. Schmickl gave presentations of their research of slime molds and predator/prey population dynamics, respectively. After dinner, we came back to the computer lab for about an hour, and then we went to play raquetball.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

July 16:

Today began as an ordinary day. Dr. Miller will be lecturing us this week, and he started off discussing quantitative cellular biology. After lecture, we were shown by Leanna how to use Maple. Then, we went to lunch before coming back to the computer lab for Dr. Helfgott's weekly mathematics lecture. After supper was when things got out of the ordinary. Last Saturday Amanda figured out that today is Joe's 18th birthday, and she started talking to everyone about throwing him a surprise party; we just didn't know it would be such a complex process:
The Plan--All the girls met in front of the Culp Center "to go shopping at the mall." We really rode to Leanna's house in Laura's van (it was the funniest ride I've ever taken!) to decorate Leanna's house while Jeremy, Wes, and Stephan distracted Joe at the ropes course/CPA/playing cards.
The Party--After spending over an hour decorating the house, Leanna called Jeremy to tell him to bring Joe "to move furniture." Thirty minutes after the call, the guys arrived at Leanna's. We all yelled "surprise" as soon as the door was opened, but our surprise was received by Jeremy and then Stephan. Finally, Joe walked through the door carrying a pizza, completely missing his "surprise"! We all stayed at Leanna's until around 9:30. It was a lot of fun, and Joe's presents were hilarious--only the little dryer Danna made for him and put on the cake was funnier (inside joke)!

Monday, July 16, 2007

July 13

Today ends week one of the TEQB Summer Bridge program. We slept in late--keeping college sleep hours definitely caught up with us! After eating lunch, we went to the Lattice Conference to hear two more research presentations before getting together at the Basler Challenge Course; it was extremely fun! When we were done there, Susan and Leanna took us to Buck's Pizza for supper.
So far, this program has been a wonderful experience! I think it is great that we are getting an early introduction to the materials and people we will be working with over the next four years.
July 12

Today Dr. Yampolsky completed his "What's Life" lecture. It was very interesting. After lecture, we ate lunch. Then, we got to sit on during two presentations given at the Lattice Conference. When we left the Conference, we started a game of soccer that lasted a long time, but it was a good game!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

July 11

Today after breakfast and our homework time in the computer lab, Dr. Yampolsky continued his lecture, discussing such topics as the Emerson Effect, Retinoblastoma, and Gregor Mendel's usage of mathematics in his studies of genetics. After lunch, Amanda and I had our first experience with college dorm washing machines and dryers. It took almost 80 minutes to wash and dry our T-shirts, but we got some extra practice at card games during the wait! All of us had planned on making up the soccer game that was rained out yesterday, but even the make-up game was rained out. To compensate, Leanna and Susan made plans for us to go see Harry Potter 5 at the movie theatre. Five of us chose to stay at Davis and rent a movie from Blockbuster. The Breach was worth watching; it was almost as amusing as the two or more hour game of Phase 10 afterward!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

July 10

Dr. Yampolsky continued with his lecture after we reviewed yesterday's homework in class. We had some spare time today because we did not have an afternoon lecture, but at 4:30 we went to the Culp to play soccer. However, our game was rained out; so, we settled for watching the MLB All-Star game in one of the apartment rooms after we finished our homework.
July 9

Our day began at 8:30 in Gilbreath. We ate breakfast there, and then Dr. Yampolsky gave Part 1 of his "What's Life" lecture. After eating lunch, we all went with Leanna to get our parking stickers and P.O. Box combinations. Dr. Helfgott gave his lecture on Mathematics, reviewing high school algebra, pre-calculus, and calculus. During our free-time, a bunch of us went to the CPA and then played volleyball again.
July 8

Today those of us staying on campus checked into Davis Apartments. After going out to eat, we went to the CPA only to find it closed. Then, we decided to play volleyball, which we did for a couple of hours.