Wednesday, August 1, 2007

July 31:

During homework time, Jeremy, Amanda, and I were able to complete most of our Maple mini-project. Dr. Knisley then lectured on neural networks; he let us "play" on a website dealing with the topic:, which was pretty neat. After lunch, we met in Gilbreath. Leanna went over the projects, and we all picked one. Jeremy, Amanda, and I will be working in Maple to learn more about preditor-prey oscillations. I have been interested in this subject since Dr. Schmickl first introduced us to it, and another reason I chose this one was because I will have to work in Maple--I know most, if not all, the projects can utilize Maple, but in this one we will have to use it. I figure the more I get used to using Maple now, the better. After picking our projects, we got to hear a lecture from Kelley Harris on Z-DNA, and I found it to be interesting. At 4:30, most of us went to the CPA for a game of Ultimate is definitely not my forte, but it was fun...I guess that's all that matters!

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