Saturday, August 4, 2007

August 3:

My day started at 7:00 when I had breakfast with Jeremy and Amanda at the Culp. Somehow the hashbrowns were much better at 7--not that they're bad at 7:45. Anyway, we got up that early so we could leave at 7:30 with Leanna for ORNL. We arrived around 10:30 and got to go see Leanna's mom at work. In her building, we had the opportunity to go to a lab where an ORNL employee makes glassware for ORNL. It was really cool because the guy in the lab let all four of us practice melting glass! After that, we got to see Leanna's dad at work in his building. He took us to various labs and explained what the equipment was used for. By this time it was 12:00, and we went to meet everyone else for lunch with Mr. Horton and Leanna's brother, Scott. We then went on the scheduled tour, seeing supercomputers and going to the "Mouse House" among other things. That sums up our day at ORNL!

August 2:

Today was our last day in class this summer, and it started off with a lecture given by Dr. Yampolsky. It concentrated on formulas involved in predator-prey oscillations, which was interesting because that is the project I will be working on: predator-prey oscillations. After class, we went to lunch, and after lunch we went to Susan's lab. We took the results from our Petri dishes and filled in some charts Susan gave us. They dealt with the Poisson principle. After lab, we went to the CPA for a game of soccer before going out to eat, since Main Meal was closed.

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