Saturday, July 21, 2007

July 19:

Today Dr. Miller went over some more aspects of the NCBI site, namely Blast. Dr. Yampolsky also joined in the talk, and it was really interesting. After they finished, we worked on Dr. Miller's homework assignment, the one dealing with the NCBI site. When lunch was over, most of us returned to our classroom in Gilbreath to finish the assignment Dr. Yampolsky had given us early in the day. Working together on the project was great; we were able to finish quicker and were probably more efficient. We walked over to the Carnegie after our afternoon homework session to attend discussions at the QB Conference going on there. That was interesting as well. I was in the Biology room, and the people in there were discussing ways to improve Internet research sources. When we got back to Davis, we left to go to the Fun Expedition for a round of putt-putt, and, just for the record, I won! (pretty unusual)

July 20:

After breakfast at 7:30, we headed to Gatlinburg. We got at Ripley's Aquarium around 11:00. It was a cool aquarium. When we finished there, we ate lunch at Hard Rock Cafe before driving to the Chimneys, which we hiked in a little over two hours. That was most definitely an experience I will not soon forget!! On the way back to campus, Jeremy, Joe, Elizabeth, Leanna, and I stopped at T.G.I. Fridays.

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